Charles Nicholson works with the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition to develop new approaches for increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables in urban Kenya.
How does land ownership affect wind farm installations?
Dominic Parker studied the link between rural landholdings and wind farms—and what it might mean for future wind energy development.
The economics of sustainable corn growing
Paul Mitchell helps farmers balance the competing demands of agricultural sustainability and rural livelihood.
Social networks and urban sanitation decisions in Senegal
Laura Schechter works on improving the management of latrines in Dakar, Senegal, to help reduce childhood illness and death.
Do driving restrictions affect urban housing markets?
Rhiannon Jerch examined if a policy that restricted urban car driving changed housing costs and home buying preferences in Beijing.
Property rights, land use and economic development
Dustin Frye studied how the complex history of property rights on Native American reservations has affected land development and cultivation.
Making food supply chains more resilient
Jeff Hadachek analyzed the ability of food supply chains to cope with external shocks, such as pandemics and extreme weather events.
Research News
The benefits of flipping environmental market rules
Corbett Grainger showed that cap-and-trade programs can be more efficient under rules that avoid a “race to allocations.”
Willingness to pay for water quality improvements
Dan Phaneuf estimated the dollar value of clean waterways for the people living near them.