For many years, the world has been worried about the effects of agriculture and livestock on deforestation. During the last two decades, budgets to protect forests have grown substantially. At the same time, many countries …
Agricultural Subsidies and Deforestation
For many years, the world has been worried about the effects of agriculture and livestock on deforestation. During the last two decades, budgets to protect forests have grown substantially. At the same time, many countries …
Indirect benefits of store ownership
AAE PhD candidate Rachel Frattarola spent two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Panama from 2011 to 2013. It was as a Volunteer in Panama that she observed that many small shops found in rural …
Morbidity Costs of Air Pollution
AAE graduate student Austin Williams and his advisor Dan Phaneuf have been working on understanding the role that air pollution plays in expenditures on respiratory ailments. Spending on these ailments totals nearly $75 billion in the …
The cost of too many deer
In Wisconsin, we know all too well the perils of the deer population, especially on country roads at night. An estimated one million deer-vehicle collisions (DVCs) occur every year in the United States, causing 20,000 …
Foundational Environmental Economics Textbook Released
After more than ten years in the making, Dan Phaneuf and his co-author Till Requate have published A Course in Environmental Economics: Theory, Policy and Practice, the first graduate-level textbook that integrates the empirics, theory and policy of this maturing …