Foundational text released
AAE Professor Dan Phaneuf realized that there was no modern environmental economics textbook, so he wrote one! Together with co-author Till Requate they have published A Course in Environmental Economics: Theory, Policy and Practice. This will be a key textbook to provide tools for addressing contemporary real world environmental issues through empirics, theory and policy.
AAE Weighs in on Dodd-Frank
AAE Professor Nic Parker was featured on BBC talking about the unintended consequences of a little known component of the Dodd-Frank bill. The provision was designed to limit violence around conflict minerals, but unfortunately has led to higher infant mortality rates, among other outcomes.
State Economy Faces Trouble
With relatively few college-educated people moving here and an economy that is generating large numbers of lower-skill jobs, Wisconsin faces a challenging future, argue AAE faculty member Steve Deller and other UW researchers.
Spotlight on AAE
Today 1 Column
- September
- September 17tract mutiny; presents SlaughterhouseBy Anamika Singh & Aida ArosoaieAll day, Art Lofts Gallery, Art Lofts
- September 17
- September 17
- September 17Maya Living Legacy presents Rusty Barrett Language Ideologies and Cultural Continuity in the Maya Renaissance4:00 PM, Online
- September 18tract mutiny; presents SlaughterhouseBy Anamika Singh & Aida ArosoaieAll day, Art Lofts Gallery, Art Lofts
- September 18
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Today 2 Column
- September
- September 17tract mutiny; presents SlaughterhouseBy Anamika Singh & Aida ArosoaieAll day, Art Lofts Gallery, Art Lofts
- September 17
- September 17
Today 3 Column
- September
- September 17tract mutiny; presents SlaughterhouseBy Anamika Singh & Aida ArosoaieAll day, Art Lofts Gallery, Art Lofts
- September 17
- September 17