Vikas Gawai

Ph.D. Agricultural and Applied Economics

Dissertation Title
Technology in a Greying World: The Role of Broadband and the Green Revolution in an Aging World
Jeremy Foltz
Vikas Gawai
Deborah and David Penn Ag & Applied Economics Graduate Student Fund (2022, 2023), Traisman Agribusiness Graduate Fellowship (2021), Center for Demography of Health and Aging (CHDA) Research Travel Award (2023), Retirement and Disability Research Center (RDRC) - Junior Scholar Research Competition Award (2022-23), Diversity Fellowship, School of Public Affairs American University (2023)
Bio Sketch
Vikas completed his Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering in India and worked for several years before joining Masters in Economics and Later Ph.D. at AAE at UW-Madison. His real-life experiences motivated him to pursue graduate studies in economics. His research agenda is focused on health and aging-related issues and understanding how various technological policies affect health among older adults across developing and developed countries.
Message to Fellow Graduates
I am deeply grateful to my advisors, mentors, faculty, and staff at UW-Madison, as well as my family and friends, for their invaluable support throughout these years. Let us remember the priceless lessons we've learned about the importance of resilience in the face of setbacks, the power of collaboration and helping each other, and the joy of achieving milestones. Let us also remember that we are more than our PhDs. They don't define our full potential but serve as stepping stones for the boundless journey ahead. To my fellow graduates, I extend my heartfelt congratulations and wish for great success in life.