Hunter Downey

B.S. Agricultural Business Management

Additional Degree/Major
Hunter Downey
Bio Sketch
I will be graduating with dual degrees in Agricultural Business Management and Biology with a certificate in leadership. Looking ahead, I’m planning on pursuing my master’s degree in Agricultural and Applied Economics - Professional Option (MSPO), with a focus on refining my skills in data management and empirical analysis. This summer I'll be working for Farm Bureau Financial Services as an Agricultural Underwriter where I'll be able to apply what I've learned in undergrad while keeping my technical skills fresh before I start the MSPO program this fall. In general, I'm eager to explore how data analytics can be applied to the agriculture sector to solve complex challenges, help farmers, and drive innovation.
Personal Reflection
UW Madison showed me career paths I never even knew existed. This has allowed me to find my passions and create a trajectory for my professional career. I'm so thankful for all of the mentors I've gained through UW Madison as they have helped guide me through all the ups and downs. I will continue to stay connected to UW next year as I pursue my master's in Agricultural and Applied Economics!