With the legalization of hemp farming and a booming CBD market, Wisconsin hemp agriculture is back, and potentially promising big returns. An AgWeb Farm Journal interview with AAE Professor and Renk Agribusiness Institute Director Paul Mitchell talks about the risks of hemp farming, what may happen to prices, and what its popularity could mean for Wisconsin farmers.
Read the full article at: https://www.agweb.com/article/analysis-hemp-big-risk-big-return?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWmpVMk5ETTNZemcyTURZdyIsInQiOiI2NjhldFpkSVNMcU1mSmhZb1pxNSsyQytcL3dPUW5KUzVhVzN5bkM2Y1FVcmVmWFlWd2pjSm9rV2NrQlNETXNwcXVsTnhoa2JDQWdOeTNqeEFqS3M5QXFDRXE5Y2NKVUNnWDc2XC84bEsrd2V5Mk1RQkVkZERkSmpQWmgxUUhDeFEwIn0%3D