Rural Americans aren’t included in inflation figures – and for them, the cost of living may be rising faster
The Conversation shared this research report by Tessa Conroy, AAE faculty, and Stephan Weiler, faculty at Colorado State University: When the Federal Reserve convenes at the end of January 2023 to set interest rates, it will be guided by one key bit of data: the U.S. inflation rate. The problem is, that stat ignores a sizable chunk of the country – rural America.
Congress limits conservation easement write-offs
AAE faculty Dominick Parker's recent opinion piece in The Hill: The 2023 omnibus spending bill, signed into law by President Biden last month, is a massive $1.7 billion spending spree, but the 4,000-page package does include a modicum of fiscal prudence. It will limit tax write-offs for land donations that benefit wealthy investors under the guise of conservation. While this represents a small step toward more effective environmental policy, it is a welcome one.
AAE News
The benefits of flipping environmental market rules
Corbett Grainger showed that cap-and-trade programs can be more efficient under rules that avoid a "race to allocations."
Do breeding investments increase the productivity of Wisconsin dairy farms?
Sheldon Du showed that choosing bulls wisely helps increase the revenue of Wisconsin’s dairy farmers.
The challenges of connecting renewable energy to the U.S. power grid
Sarah Johnston studied what might accelerate adding renewable energy to the nation’s power grid.
Does education improve tax participation of informal firms in Togo?
Paul Dower tested if tax code education in Togo, Africa, would increase the tax law compliance of “informal” firms.
Transitions to democracy and economic growth in Indonesia
Priya Mukherjee studied if transitions to democracy in Indonesia affected firm productivity.
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