Event Detail

Measure to Manage: Measuring and improving environmental and economic performance of the WI bio-economy with integrated assessment models

Presented by:
Tom Cox, John Norman, Laura Ward Good & Jim Leveri
AAE, Soil Science & UW-Extension
University of Wisconsin

Friday, May 16, 2008
12:00 pm-1:15 pm
Parsons-Penn Commons Room (Rm115)

Join the UW-CALS SNAP-Plus team in discussing the challenges of assessing economic and environmental performance in land-based production in the context of the emerging bio-economy. Many relevant research, extension and policy questions are on the table. How shall we proceed to measure and manage, intelligently? How can producers integrate environmental and economic decision making in a way that allows them to optimize both? How can we link farm level “micro” models with more macro models (e.g., watersheds) across various WI eco- and farming systems?

RSVP to Nancy Carlisle: nlcarlis@wisc.edu or 608-265-2908 by Monday, May 12th for a free lunch, or simply bring a brownbag.