
Working Papers


Editorial Positions

Podcast Coverage

Blog Coverage

Popular Press


International Kids' Movies

Dormant Working Papers

6462 Social Sciences
1180 Observatory Dr.
Madison, WI

Laura Schechter
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor
University of Wisconsin, Madison

tel: (608) 262-9482
fax: (608) 262-2033
lschechter [at] wisc [dot] edu

Curriculum Vitae

Working Papers

Editorial Positions
  • Current
    • 2017 - 2026: Economic Journal - Associate Editor.
  • Previous
    • 2017 - 2022: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization - Co-Editor.
    • 2016 - 2019: American Journal of Agricultural Economics - Associate Editor.
    • 2011 - 2016: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization - Associate Editor.
    • 2011 - 2015: Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy - Editorial Board.

Podcast Coverage
Blog Coverage
Write-ups in the (Not So) Popular Press
Work in Progress
  • "Using Market Mechanisms to Improve Sanitation: Lessons from the Implementation of an Auction Platform in Senegal," with J. Deutschmann, J. Gars, S. Griffith, J.-F. Houde, T. Johnson, M. Lipscomb, M. Mbeguere, S. Nehrling, and S.J. Zhu.

Teaching at UW Madison
  • AAE 374: The Growth and Development of Nations in the Global Economy, Fall 2005, 2006.
  • AAE 462: Latin American Economic Development, Spring 2006, 2008, 2009, 2023.
  • AAE 474: Economic Problems of Developing Areas, Fall 2008, Spring 2013, 2016.
  • AAE 730: Graduate Economic Development, Fall 2006, Spring 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2024.
  • AAE 780: Graduate Research Colloquium, Spring 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, 2024.
Teaching at Yale
  • Econ 479: Social Networks in Development Economics, Fall 2014.
Teaching at MSU
  • EC 412: Economic Analysis of Latin America, Fall 2010.
  • EC 850: Growth, Development, and Human Resources, Fall 2010.

International Movies for Kids
Dormant Working Papers