
My research focuses broadly on the economics of crop production, pest management, biotechnology, precision agriculture and economics’ of managing small diversified (organic) vegetable farms. I have managed $3 million research projects and been part of other projects totaling $25 million.

Special Focus: Production Economics, Risk Management, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Resistance Management, Sustainability

Curriculum Vitae: Long CV,  Short CV

Recent Research

Assessing Sustainability and Improvements in U.S. Midwestern Soybean Production Systems Using a PCA-DEA Approach Renewable Agriculture and Food SystemsArticle

Value of Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments to US Soybean Farmers Pest Management ScienceArticle

Recent Big Data and Machine Learning Work

1) Human Behavior and Prediction versus Causation with Big Data (Presentation)

2) Return on Investment: What will Make Remote Sensing Profitable for Potato Growers? (Presentation)

3) Big Data: Big Possibilities for the Cranberry Industry (Colquhoun) (Presentation)

4) Using Big Data and Machine Learning to Optimize Cranberry Production (Colquhoun) (Presentation)

5) High-Throughput Sensing for Potato Production and Breeding (Endelman) (Grant Narrative)

Research Presentations

1) Biotechnology, Neonicotinoids and Organic Agriculture: An Economist’s Perspective on Current Debates (Presentation) (UW Plant Sciences Symposium Oct 3, 2014)

2) The Freakonomics of Plant Protection Short Version (APS/IPPC Aug 7, 2011)  | Long Version (UW Plant Pathology Sep 20, 2011)

Supplemental Research Materials for Publications

1) Areawide Suppression of European Corn Borer with Bt Maize Reaps Savings to Non-Bt Maize Growers (Science Oct. 8, 2010) | ArticleSupplemental Online MaterialEconomic Analysis Spreadsheet

2) Soybean Sustinabilty Self-Assessment (Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems doi:10.1017/S1742170515000460 2015) | Condensed Survey for Printing

3) Black Swans, Dragons and the Phoenix: Rebuilding Citrus after HLB (Presentation at 5th International Conference on Huanglongbin) | PowerPoint  | Journal of Citrus Pathology Summary

4) Prescribed Fire Liability Insurance: Actuarial Analysis of Data | Final ReportVirginia Addendum | Mail Survey Data Spreadsheet| Telephone Survey SpreadsheetActuarial Analyzer Spreadsheet