My research focuses broadly on the economics of crop production, pest management, biotechnology, precision agriculture and economics’ of managing small diversified (organic) vegetable farms. I have managed $3 million research projects and been part of other projects totaling $25 million.
Special Focus: Production Economics, Risk Management, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Resistance Management, Sustainability
Curriculum Vitae: Long CV, Short CV
Recent Research
Assessing Sustainability and Improvements in U.S. Midwestern Soybean Production Systems Using a PCA-DEA Approach Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems: Article
Value of Neonicotinoid Seed Treatments to US Soybean Farmers Pest Management Science: Article
Recent Big Data and Machine Learning Work
1) Human Behavior and Prediction versus Causation with Big Data (Presentation)
2) Return on Investment: What will Make Remote Sensing Profitable for Potato Growers? (Presentation)
3) Big Data: Big Possibilities for the Cranberry Industry (Colquhoun) (Presentation)
4) Using Big Data and Machine Learning to Optimize Cranberry Production (Colquhoun) (Presentation)
5) High-Throughput Sensing for Potato Production and Breeding (Endelman) (Grant Narrative)
Research Presentations
1) Biotechnology, Neonicotinoids and Organic Agriculture: An Economist’s Perspective on Current Debates (Presentation) (UW Plant Sciences Symposium Oct 3, 2014)
2) The Freakonomics of Plant Protection Short Version (APS/IPPC Aug 7, 2011) | Long Version (UW Plant Pathology Sep 20, 2011)
Supplemental Research Materials for Publications
1) Areawide Suppression of European Corn Borer with Bt Maize Reaps Savings to Non-Bt Maize Growers (Science Oct. 8, 2010) | Article | Supplemental Online Material | Economic Analysis Spreadsheet
2) Soybean Sustinabilty Self-Assessment (Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems doi:10.1017/S1742170515000460 2015) | Condensed Survey for Printing
3) Black Swans, Dragons and the Phoenix: Rebuilding Citrus after HLB (Presentation at 5th International Conference on Huanglongbin) | PowerPoint | Journal of Citrus Pathology Summary
4) Prescribed Fire Liability Insurance: Actuarial Analysis of Data | Final Report | Virginia Addendum | Mail Survey Data Spreadsheet| Telephone Survey Spreadsheet | Actuarial Analyzer Spreadsheet