Current Working Papers
Timing is Everything: Labor Market Winners and Losers during Boom-Bust Cycles (with E. Katovich and S. Poelhekke), revisions invited
Causes and Consequences of Policy Uncertainty: Evidence from McGirt vs. Oklahoma (with S. Johnston)
Works in Progress
Option Value of Apex Predators: Evidence from a River Discontinuity (with E. Frank, A. Missirian, & J. Raynor)
Effects of Wolves on U.S. Agriculture (with L. Altringer, E. Frank, A. Missirian, & J. Raynor)
Subjectivity in Science (with N. H. Do)
Farm Size, Property Rights, and Groundwater Use across the Globe
Colonial Definitions of Indigenous Identity and Modern Inequality (with D. Frye)
Dormant Working Papers
Election Politics and Health Policy during the COVID-19 Pandemic (with B. Murray and S.K. Wong)
The Effects of Legal Institutions on Access to Credit: Evidence from American Indian Reservations
Contracting for the Environment: Rules vs. Standards in Conservation Easements (with S. Frechette)