
Published and Forthcoming Papers

  1. Democracy and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Indonesia, Review of Economics and Statistics, May 2023, pp. 1–30 (with Ama Baafra Abeberese, Prabhat Barnwal, Ritam Chaurey)
  2. Political Accountability for Populist Policies: Lessons from India’s Demonetization, 2023. (with G. Khanna), Journal of Public EconomicsVolume 219, March 2023, 104819, Link to Ideas for India (I4I) article here
  3. Inputs, Monitoring, and Crowd-out in School-Based Health Interventions: Evidence from India’s Midday Meals Program, 2021. Journal of Public Economics. 204(7). 104552. (with J. Berry, S. Mehta, H. Ruebeck, K. Shastry)
  4. Implementation and Effects of India’s National School-Based Iron Supplementation Program, 2020. (with J. Berry, S. Mehta, H. Ruebeck, K. Shastry), Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 144, May 2020, 102428
  5. The Non-Democratic Roots of Elite Capture: Evidence from Soeharto Mayors in IndonesiaEconometrica, November 2017, 85 (6), 1991-2010. (with M. Martinez-Bravo & A. Stegmann)  (Replication files available on journal website here)
  6. Taken with a Grain of Salt? Micronutrient Fortification in South AsiaCESifo Economic Studies (2012) 58(2): 422-449 (with J. Berry and K. Shastry)


Working Papers

7. Female Leaders and Intrahousehold Dynamics: Evidence from State Elections in India, 2024 (with S Anukriti and B. Erten)

8. Understanding Behavioral Barriers to Demand for Mental Health Services, 2023 (with Lindsey Buck, Nirajana Mishra, Nikhilesh Prakash, Nishith Prakash, Diane Quinn, Shwetlena Sabarwal, and Deepak Saraswat), Revisions requested, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management

9. Engaging Parents in Learning: Experimental Evidence from Rural India, 2024 (with Sraavya Poonuganti)

10. Impacts of the Pandemic on Vulnerable Households in Bangladesh, 2024 (with Emily Beam)

11. Building Support for Mental Health of Adolescents in Bangladesh, (with E. Edmonds, N. Prakash, S. Sabharwal)

12. Take-Up, Use, and Effectiveness of Remote Learning Technologies, 2022 (with Emily Beam and Laia Navarro-Sola)

13. Pricing Private Education in Urban India: Demand, Use, and Impact, 2022. (with J. Berry)